Monoline Property
Available Classes
1-4 family dwellings
Apartments Bars
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation (including museums, theaters, bowling alleys, cinemas)
Civic, non-profit, and social clubs
Governmental organizations or buildings
Mixed occupancies
Lessor’s risk
Appetite Information:
Up $3.8M per location/ $5.8 M per policy in lower 48 states and D.C.
Up to $10M per location/per policy for AL, FL, GA, LA, MS, SC, and TX
No coastal restrictions - terms automatically set based on the distance to coast
Construction year as early as 1850
Buildings prior to 1900 require system upgrades within the last 30 years
Earthquake available, including parts of California (not available in OK or KS)
Separate deductibles for wind, hail, or earthquake
Wind deductibles as low as 1%
Ability to offer special form and replacement cost for eligible buildings
Ineligible classes:
Agriculture (including barns, poultry farms etc)
Assisted Living
Mining, Quarrying, and Other Extractive Industries
Construction (Builders Risk/On-going)
Waste Management
Religious Organizations (including churches)
Governmental Subsidized Rentals
Automotive Repair, Maintenance and Sales
Student Housing
Personal Lines HO-3, Renters, Condos
Construction type listed as "other"
Electric types listed as fuses
Ineligible zip codes for monoline property coverage with Vave:
90008, 90024, 90027, 90031, 90041, 90042, 90046, 90049, 90056, 90065, 90068, 90069, 90077, 90095
90210, 90232, 90263, 90265, 90272, 90274, 90275, 90290
90402, 90505, 90601, 90602, 90603, 90605, 90631, 90704, 90732
91001, 91006, 91008, 91010, 91011, 91016, 91020, 91024, 91040, 91042
91103, 91105, 91107
91201, 91202, 91206, 91207, 91208, 91214
91301, 91302, 91304, 91307, 91311, 91316, 91320, 91321, 91326, 91342, 91344, 91350, 91351, 91352, 91354, 91355, 91356, 91360, 91361, 91362 ,91364, 91367, 91377, 91381, 91384, 91387, 91390
91403, 91423, 91436
91501, 91504,91522
91604, 91608
91701, 91702, 91706, 91709, 91711, 91724, 91733, 91737, 91740, 91741, 91745, 91746, 91748, 91750, 91759, 91765, 91766, 91768, 91773, 91784, 91789, 91791, 91792
91901, 91902, 91905, 91906, 91911, 91913, 91914, 91915, 91916, 91917, 91932, 91934, 91935, 91941, 91942, 91962, 91963
33921, 33924, 33957, 33931, 34134
Additional Resources
Understanding Protection Classes
Commercial Property Coverages Map
Property Coverage Postcard for Agents
Property Coverage Postcard for Agents (Southern States)
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