Protection Classes


What is a Protection Class?

The Public Protection Classification, Fire Protection Class, or Protection Class (PC) is a 1 to 10 rating scale used by the Insurance Services Office (ISO) to assess fire protection quality for any location. A Class 1 rating signifies superior fire protection, while Class 10 indicates it does not meet minimum standards. The PC rating, influenced by factors like fire department proficiency, response speed, training, staffing levels, water supply, and communication systems, significantly determines property insurance premiums.

How are PC Scores calculated?

The Fire Suppression Rating Schedule (FSRS) tallies points to rate the area’s fire suppression program, which the ISO uses to assign a PC score. The higher the points for the FSRS, the better the PC rating. For instance, an FSRS score of 90 points would equal a PC Class 1, which can result in lower premiums. Three factors influence the FSRS and PC Scores:

  1. Fire Department

    The proximity and effectiveness of a fire department significantly influence the overall rating. This includes evaluating its equipment, staff expertise, training programs, and the presence of local firefighting units.

  2. Response Time

    A fire department's communications, alarms, and response times are evaluated. This includes an assessment of fire alarms and communication systems, phone systems and their operational status, and the efficiency of their dispatch system.

  3. Water Supply

    Sufficient water supply, access to fire hydrants, and optimal water pressure are vital in firefighting operations. The proximity of water sources and the condition of the infrastructure impact this score.

The FSRS and PC scores are broken down below:

  • (90.00 or better) = Class 1

  • (80.00 - 89.99) = Class 2

  • (70.00 - 79.99) = Class 3

  • (60.00 - 69.99) = Class 4

  • (50.00 - 59.99) = Class 5

  • (40.00 - 49.99) = Class 6

  • (30.00 - 39.99) = Class 7

  • (20.00 - 29.99) = Class 8

  • (10.00 - 19.99) = Class 9

  • (00.00 - 9.99) = Class 10

How can I find a property's PC score?

You can contact several sources to find a PC score. Agents can contact local fire departments or the ISO for updated ratings and reasoning. Additionally, more and more online databases, including real estate listing sites, provide PC scores among other property ratings.

Additional Resources

Property Guide: Understanding Protection Classes

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