How do I bind accounts at Pathpoint?



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Appointment & PathPay

Selecting a Quote

Completing Subjectivities

Confirming Payments

Download Policy Documents

Correcting Subjectivities and Re-Requesting to Bind

Additional Resources


Related Articles


At Pathpoint, we’re committed to making the E&S insurance process as seamless and efficient as possible. Agents can bind accounts easily by following these steps:

  1. Appointment & PathPay (completed once)

  2. Selecting a Quote

  3. Completing Subjectivities

  4. Confirming Payments

  5. Download Policy Documents

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1. Appointment & PathPay

Before you can bind an account with Pathpoint, you'll need to complete your appointment and set up your payments account. We recommend you complete when you first register at Pathpoint.

  1. First, navigate to your settings page by clicking on your name in the top-right corner and selecting Settings in the drop-down.

  1. Click on Start Appointment to complete appointment paperwork digitally. This takes about two minutes.

  1. Scroll down to the Billing section. If your account is unverified, you'll want to set this up too. From here, you will create your PathPay account.

    Pathpointer: Need help? Review how to set up your PathPay account

2. Selecting a Quote

Pathpoint agents can easily compare multiple quotes for monoline policies and packages on one user-friendly website. Just follow these steps:

  1. Login to your Pathpoint account

  2. Head to the Overview page to view the account you wish to bind. Select under the Submissions tab.

  3. Review your quote(s) options and select your preferred quote(s). Click the quote(s) to see details. Once selected, the total cost will appear in the top right corner.

  4. Make any pricing adjustments by clicking the icon next to Total and review cover letters, quote details, and finance estimates using the side panel.

    Pathpointer: Trying to bind multiple coverages at once? Use the panel to view real time updates on the status by clicking the coverage quote.

  1. Click Continue to Subjectivities to proceed.

3. Completing Subjectivities

Before requesting to bind, agents are required to complete and sign all subjectivities. Pathpoint has simplified this process by providing a downloadable e-sign packet that includes all necessary forms and ACORDs.

  1. Determine if you plan to E-sign or manually sign subjectivities and click your selection.

    Pathpointer: Need help? Review how to e-sign subjectivities.

  1. Review the signatures and payment information to ensure they are correct, including the insured's full name and contact details. Indicate the contact information of the party paying. This could be the insured, your agency, or a third party such as a lender.

  2. Click Request to Bind. Our underwriters will respond within 48 hours.

4. Completing Payment

Policies require a payment confirmation before activation. Agents choose between PathPay Agency for agency billing or PathPay Insured for insured billing. Payment links are generated within 24 hours after subjectivities have been approved.

  1. The billing party will make the necessary payment via credit, wire transfer, or ACH.

    Payment must be received within 30 business days to honor the requested effective date. Otherwise, the binding must be re-requested, and the documents will need to be re-signed.

  • PathPay Agency Example: The billing contact under the agency profile will receive the payment link sent to their email. You will also see a notice within the Account Page.

  • PathPay Insured Example: The insured will receive the payment link sent to their email. You will also see a notice within the Account Page. Coverage cannot be bound without payment.

    Pathpointer: Need to remind the insured to pay? Easily resend the payment link on the Account Page by clicking Share URL Link.

5. Download Policy Documents

The account will display Issued at the top of the activity bar. Policy documents can be easily found on the main Account Page and within the right-side panel.

Policy Page

Side Panel

Correcting Subjectivities and Re-Requesting to Bind

Mistakes happen, and sometimes incorrect information is provided. With just a few clicks, you can easily correct subjectivities and quickly re-request to bind

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Step-by-Step Guide for Correcting Subjectivities and Re-Requesting to Bind

  1. Once an underwriter reviews, you may receive an email requesting corrections to subjectivities. Click to make corrections and re-request to bind.

  1. Underwriter comments will display in red for visibility.

  1. Then, click Resubmit the bind request. A Pathpoint underwriter will respond within four business hours.

Additional Resources

WSIA Compliance Chart for All States

California Surplus Lines Association Guidelines

Excess Lines Association of New York

Stamping Office of Texas

Florida Surplus Lines Service Office


Once I sign the subjectivities, can I proceed with binding?

  • The insured must sign before proceeding. Please click the 'Copy the link' button and send the link to the insured via email. After the insured has signed, you will receive a notification email, allowing you to return to the Account Page and request the binder.

Can I bind a quote before payment is received?

  • No, payment must be confirmed for both PathPay Agency and PathPay Insured accounts

I signed the forms via another site; why was my packet declined?

  • If your supplementals/subjectivities were not accepted, there are two likely reasons:

    • You and/or the insured did not sign all forms. Make sure to sign all forms within the packet listed under Upload Signed Documents

    • You and/or the insured did not include an acceptable digital verification stamp in compliance with your state. Make sure to comply with your state's digital verification stamp requirements, or you can switch to e-signable binding.

What happens if I click on a document that has already been signed?

  • After signatures have been gathered, the documents are safeguarded against any unintentional deletions.

What happens if I complete the forms incorrectly?

  • If the information provided is insufficient, an underwriter may request additional or corrected documents through an email with the subject line "ACTION NEEDED."

    After receiving the necessary information, underwriting will assess whether it meets the criteria to finalize the coverage terms, necessitate revisions, or warrant a decline in coverage. If you are notified that a subjectivity or supplemental has been rejected, verify that you have uploaded the corrected form and resubmit.

Why do I need to fill out two supplementals/subjectivity packets when using Mix and Match Quoting?

  • Utilizing the Mix and Match quoting requires completing two supplemental/subjectivity packets to ensure that each aspect of the coverage is tailored to specific needs. This allows for the selection of general liability and property together or separately from multiple carriers. Learn more.

Related Articles

How do I sign state supplementals/subjectivities?

How does Pathpoint handle endorsement and other service requests post-bind?

How do I get appointed with Pathpoint?

How can I set up my PathPay payment processing account?

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