How do I bind my first account?


Setting up your account to bind with Pathpoint

Selecting a quote and requesting to bind

Correcting subjectivities and re-requesting to bind

Completing payment

Binding and issuing coverage after payment is sent

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Setting up your account to bind with Pathpoint

Before you can bind an account with Pathpoint, you'll need to complete your appointment and set up your payments account.

  1. First, navigate to your settings page by clicking on your name in the top-right corner and selecting "Settings" in the drop-down.

  1. Click on Start Appointment to complete appointment paperwork digitally. This takes about two minutes.

  1. Scroll down to the Billing section. If your account is unverified, you'll want to set this up too. If you run into any questions, please reach out to Pathpoint customer support.

Selecting a quote and requesting to bind

How to request to bind

  1. Click the quote to see details. Once selected, the total cost will appear within the top right corner.

  1. Then, click to Subjectivities.

  1. Select the NPN of the signing producer.

  1. Click Start to complete the state subjectivities.

  1. Enter or modify the effective date

  1. Click Sign to complete the state subjectivities. This information will prefill documents for you and your insured to e-sign.

  1. Accept your signature.

  1. Begin signing.

  1. Once you've signed, you can get an e-sign link to send to your insured.

  1. Then, complete remaining subjectivities.

  1. If you're using Insured Bill, indicate the contact information for the party paying. This could be the insured, your agency, or a third party such as a lender. They will receive an email once subjectivities are approved. Subjectivities will be reviewed within four hours of requesting to bind.

  1. Click on Request to bind.

  1. You'll see a notification that the request to bind has been sent to the Pathpoint team. Within four business hours, a Pathpoint underwriter will reach out with next steps.

Correcting subjectivities and re-requesting to bind

  1. Once an underwriter reviews, you may receive an email requesting corrections to subjectivities. Click to make corrections and re-request to bind.

  1. Underwriter comments will display in red for visibility.

  1. Then, Resubmit the bind request. A Pathpoint underwriter will respond within four business hours.

Completing payment

  1. Subjectivities will be accepted and shown in green. Once a payment program is selected (PathPay Insured or PathPay Agency), you will receive an email with the payment link.

  1. This link will also be reflected in Pathpoint below the payment contact section. From here, you can copy this link and send it to your insured or the payment contact to finalize payment.

Please note: Payment must be received within 3 business days to honor the requested effective date. Otherwise, the binding must be re-requested, and the documents will need to be re-signed.

Binding and issuing coverage after payment is sent

  1. Once payment has been made, coverage will be bound. From the policy page you can download the binder document.

  1. You can also download the invoice.

  1. To access or request changes to the policy simply navigate to Policy management.

  1. Coverage will be issued within 14 business days. Note some states, such as NY, require an additional stamping review.

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