How do I get appointed with Pathpoint?


Watch a Video with Step-by-Step Instructions on How to Get Appointed

See Step-by-Step Instructions with Text and Screenshots

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When you request to bind your first quote with Pathpoint, you’ll be prompted to complete an agency agreement and get appointed with Pathpoint.

Watch a Video with Step-by-Step Instructions on How to Get Appointed

See Step-by-Step Instructions with Text and Screenshots

  1. From your Dashboard, access your Agent Profile by either going to the "Finish Setting Up Your Profile" tile, or by clicking on your name in the top right and selecting "Settings" from the drop-down.

  1. In the Agency Agreement section of the screen, click on "Start Appointment".

  1. You'll be brought to our E-signing page where you'll need to complete the form with your information.

  2. Hit "Review Info" to proceed.

  1. Review the information. If it all looks correct, click on "Finish and Submit".

  2. Once your E-sign packet is be generated, click "Review and Sign".

  1. The documentation will be pre-filled with the information you entered in the previous step. Click "I accept my signature and initials".

  1. Check the box to give consent to using electronic signatures.

  1. After reviewing the producer agreement, click on "Sign All" on the top-left of the document.

  1. Head back to Pathpoint and refresh your profile page where you initially started the appointment process. Status under "Agency Agreement" should now say "Appointed".

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