What is the certificate issuing process?
Pathpoint doesn't issue certificates of insurance (COIs).  You can issue a COI to match the policy. COIs cannot be used to change policy terms. You ca...
How do I change the Agent of Record that appears on policies?
The name on your Pathpoint account is automatically used as the Agent of Record (AOR) on the policies you bind. If you're a Customer Service Represent...
How long does it take to issue a policy?
Policies will be bound within 48 hours and issued within 14 days.
Do you carry surety bonds?
Pathpoint carries surety bonds in all states where required to operate as a Surplus Lines broker. Pathpoint operates a Surplus Lines brokers in all 50...
How do I e-sign state supplementals?
You can now pre-fill and e-sign your forms. Here’s how you can e-sign your supplementals: Select a quote in your Pathpoint dashboard. Click ‘Select op...
How do I total business interruption?
Business interruption is annual revenue minus expenses. Business interruption provides coverage for loss of income suffered by a business when damage ...
I am interested in moving all of my wholesale business to Pathpoint, how would that work?
Contact us at to discuss, but likely the business would have to be moved at renewal and not mid-term as most carriers do not...
Who do I report claims to?
Pathpoint does not engage in the claims process.  Retail agents should work with their insured customers to ensure that claims must be submitted in ac...
If my state requires a diligent search, declination affidavit or similar form, will Pathpoint file the form on my behalf?
Requirements for affidavits or diligent efforts vary by state. Pathpoint will work with our retail agents and brokers to ensure administrative require...
Who is the broker of record? Does Pathpoint appear on the policy?
Pathpoint will appear as the broker on quotes, binders, policies, certificates of insurance, etc.
My agency is taking over as a BOR for a client. How would that factor into placing the business through Pathpoint?
It depends. If the prior agency placed the business with any carriers, we would place it through another wholesaler. We can only move the business at ...