Restaurants, Bars and Taverns (General Liability, Property and Package)
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How do I classify bar, restaurant, and tavern accounts?
You can use this table or connect with your Account Manager to classify bar, restaurant, and tavern accounts. You can also take advantage of our sea...
Which restaurant classes are available for instant quoting and do liquor sales change it?
All class codes with 75% or more liquor sales are eligible for instant quotes. Restaurants, Bars and Taverns (General Liability, Property and Package)...
Which restaurant exposures are not instantly quotable?
The following restaurant, bar, or tavern exposures will lead to a referral: Amusement devices other than electronic games Assault and Battery Coverage...
Does Pathpoint offer liquor liability for restaurants?
No, Pathpoint does not offer liquor liability at this time. For more information about restaurants coverage, visit . How do...
Do you require liquor liability already in place for restaurant, bar, or tavern quotes?
For Crum & Forster and Westchester, the answer is yes. However, there is no such requirement for Navigators. It is important to note that none of our ...