How do I classify bar, restaurant, and tavern accounts?


You can use this table or connect with your Account Manager to classify bar, restaurant, and tavern accounts. You can also take advantage of our search tool, which allows you to enter your client's business operations to find the best class codes and verticals to quote under based on your input. Learn more!

Class Code

Class Description



Restaurant - Operated by Concessionaries - For Profit

Restaurants or cafeterias operated by concessionaires in industrial plants, office buildings or elsewhere used exclusively by employees and guests of the concern granting the concession


Restaurant - Operated by Concessionaries - Non-Profit

Restaurants or cafeterias operated by concessionaires in industrial plants, office buildings or, elsewhere used exclusively by employees and guests of the concern granting the concession


Restaurant - Operated by Concessionaries - Non-Profit

Risks that qualify for tax-exempt status as a not-for-profit organization in accordance with Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code


Restaurant - No Sale of Alcoholic Beverages - Table Service

Restaurants that provide table service


Restaurant - No Sale of Alcoholic Beverages - Table Service

Restaurants that do not sell alcoholic drinks


Restaurant - No Sale of Alcoholic Beverages - Table Service

Full-service restaurants that prepare and serve meals on their premises


Restaurant - No Sale of Alcoholic Beverages - Table Service

Compliment take-out service


Restaurant - No Sale of Alcoholic Beverages - Table Service

Buffet style restaurants


Restaurant - No Sale of Alcoholic Beverages - no Table Service, Seating

Restaurants that do not sell alcoholic drinks


Restaurant - No Sale of Alcoholic Beverages - no Table Service, Seating

Restaurants that prepare the food on site, but will not offer any table service


Restaurant - No Sale of Alcoholic Beverages - no Seating

Restaurants that do not sell alcoholic drinks


Restaurant - No Sale of Alcoholic Beverages - no Seating

Stand or kiosk type operations


Restaurant - No Sale of Alcoholic Beverages - no Seating

Restaurants that prepare the food on site but do not offer a dining area


Restaurant - Bring your Own Alcohol – with table service

Restaurants with table service, that allow their customers to bring their own alcohol


Restaurant - Bring your Own Alcohol – with table service

Buffet style restaurants


Restaurant - Bring your Own Alcohol – without table service with seating

restaurant risks, with seating but no table service, that allows their customers to bring their own alcohol into the restaurant


Restaurant - Bring your Own Alcohol – without table service with seating

Providing non-alcoholic mixers for drinks but cannot supply any alcoholic beverages


Restaurant - With Sale of Alcoholic Beverages <35% of Annual Receipts - Table Service

The sales of alcoholic drinks must be less than 30% of the total sales of the restaurant


Restaurant - With Sale of Alcoholic Beverages <35% of Annual Receipts - Table Service

bars, restaurants, beer pubs or taverns with or without entertainment.


Restaurant - With Sale of Alcoholic Beverages <35% of Annual Receipts - Table Service

microbreweries, which sell their own products on their premises for consumption on their premises only


Restaurant - With Sale of Alcoholic Beverages <35% of Annual Receipts - Table Service

Table service includes limited restaurant service such as buffets.


Restaurant - With Sale of Alcoholic Beverages <35% of Annual Receipts - no Table Service, Seating

The sales of alcoholic drinks must be less than 30% of the total sales of the restaurant


Restaurant - With Sale of Alcoholic Beverages <35% of Annual Receipts - no Table Service, Seating

Alcohol sales include the non-alcoholic mixers that are added to the drinks


Restaurant - With Sale of Alcoholic Beverages <35% of Annual Receipts - no Table Service, Seating

Preparing the food on site, but do not offer any table service


Restaurant - With Sale of Alcoholic Beverages 30-75% of Annual Receipts - Dance Floor

Restaurant risks, which include a dance floor, whose sale of alcoholic beverages are less that 75%, but are at least 30% of the total receipts of the restaurant


Restaurant - With Sale of Alcoholic Beverages 30-75% of Annual Receipts - Dance Floor

Bars, restaurants, beer pubs, and taverns that sell alcoholic drinks to their customers, with or without entertainment


Restaurant - With Sale of Alcoholic Beverages 30-75% of Annual Receipts - Dance Floor

Microbreweries that sell their own products on their premises for consumption on their premises only.


Restaurant - With Sale of Alcoholic Beverages 30-75% of Annual Receipts - no Dance Floor

Bars, restaurants, beer pubs, and taverns that sell alcoholic drinks to their customers


Restaurant - With Sale of Alcoholic Beverages 30-75% of Annual Receipts - no Dance Floor

Preparing food as a normal course of their operation and they may or may not offer table service


Restaurant - With Sale of Alcoholic Beverages 30-75% of Annual Receipts - no Dance Floor

Sale of alcoholic beverages are less that 75% but are at least 30% of the total receipts of the restaurant.


Restaurant - With Sale of Alcoholic Beverages >75% of Annual Receipts - Tables, Dance Floor, Table Service

Restaurants that offer tables for their customers, a wait staff for the tables, and a dance floor


Restaurant - With Sale of Alcoholic Beverages >75% of Annual Receipts - Tables, Dance Floor, Table Service

Bars, restaurants, beer pubs, and taverns that sell alcoholic drinks to their customers


Restaurant - With Sale of Alcoholic Beverages >75% of Annual Receipts - Tables, Dance Floor, Table Service

The sales of alcoholic drinks must be at least 75% of the total sales of the restaurant


Restaurant - With Sale of Alcoholic Beverages >75% of Annual Receipts - Tables, Dance Floor, Table Service

food or snacks that complement the liquor sales


Restaurant - With Sale of Alcoholic Beverages >75% of Annual Receipts - Tables, Dance Floor, Table Service

Microbreweries that sell their own products on their premises for consumption on their premises only.


Restaurant - With Sale of Alcoholic Beverages >75% of Annual Receipts - Tables, Dance Floor, no Table Service

Bars, restaurants, beer pubs, and taverns that sell alcoholic drinks to their customers


Restaurant - With Sale of Alcoholic Beverages >75% of Annual Receipts - Tables, Dance Floor, no Table Service

Food or snacks that complement the liquor sales


Restaurant - With Sale of Alcoholic Beverages >75% of Annual Receipts - Tables, Dance Floor, no Table Service

The sales of alcoholic drinks must be at least 75% of the total sales of the restaurant


Restaurant - With Sale of Alcoholic Beverages >75% of Annual Receipts - Tables, Dance Floor, no Table Service

Restaurants with the dance floor


Restaurant - With Sale of Alcoholic Beverages >75% of Annual Receipts - Tables, no Dance Floor, Table Service

Bars, restaurants, beer pubs, and taverns that sell alcoholic drinks to their customers


Restaurant - With Sale of Alcoholic Beverages >75% of Annual Receipts - Tables, no Dance Floor, Table Service

The sales of alcoholic drinks must be at least 75% of the total sales of the restaurant


Restaurant - With Sale of Alcoholic Beverages >75% of Annual Receipts - Tables, no Dance Floor, Table Service

Food or snacks that complement the liquor sales


Restaurant - With Sale of Alcoholic Beverages >75% of Annual Receipts - Tables, no Dance Floor, Table Service

Buffet style restaurants


Restaurant - With Sale of Alcoholic Beverages >75% of Annual Receipts - Tables, no Dance Floor, no Table Service

Bars, restaurants, beer pubs or taverns with or without entertainment, that sell alcoholic drinks to their customers


Restaurant - With Sale of Alcoholic Beverages >75% of Annual Receipts - Tables, no Dance Floor, no Table Service

The sales of alcoholic drinks must be at least 75% of the total sales of the restaurant


Restaurant - With Sale of Alcoholic Beverages >75% of Annual Receipts - Bar Service Only, no Tables, Dance Floor

bars, restaurants, beer pubs, and taverns that sell alcoholic drinks to their customers


Restaurant - With Sale of Alcoholic Beverages >75% of Annual Receipts - Bar Service Only, no Tables, Dance Floor

The sales of alcoholic drinks must be at least 75% of the total sales of the restaurant


Restaurant - With Sale of Alcoholic Beverages >75% of Annual Receipts - Bar Service Only, no Tables, Dance Floor

Stools or chairs at the bar for patrons to eat and drink


Restaurant - With Sale of Alcoholic Beverages >75% of Annual Receipts - Bar Service Only, no Tables, Dance Floor



Restaurant - With Sale of Alcoholic Beverages >75% of Annual Receipts - Bar Service Only, no Tables, no Dance Floor

Bars, restaurants, beer pubs, and taverns that sell alcoholic drinks to their customers


Restaurant - With Sale of Alcoholic Beverages >75% of Annual Receipts - Bar Service Only, no Tables, no Dance Floor

The sales of alcoholic drinks must be at least 75% of the total sales of the restaurant


Restaurant - With Sale of Alcoholic Beverages >75% of Annual Receipts - Bar Service Only, no Tables, no Dance Floor

Stools or chairs at the bar for patrons to eat and drink


Restaurant - With Sale of Alcoholic Beverages >75% of Annual Receipts - Bar Service Only, no Tables, no Dance Floor

Food or snacks that complement the liquor sales

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