How do I find my National Producer Number (NPN)?


How do I find my NPN, or the NPN for my agency?

You can lookup your NPN number using the following search feature provided by the NIPR: Look Up Your NPN

Individuals can find their NPN using their Individual SSN or a License Number.

Agencies can find their NPN using their FEIN or a License Number.

What is the NIPR?

The National Insurance Producer Registry (NIPR) maintains a database known as the Producer Database (PDB), which contains information about insurance agents and brokers (also known as producers) provided by state Departments of Insurance (DOI). The NIPR contains data on National Producer Numbers (NPNs), Lines of Authority (LOA), and state licensure. The web address for NIPR is From the NIPR’s homepage, you can access state DOI websites by clicking on the link to DOI sites or read current updates about NIPR.

What is an NPN?

The National Producer Number (NPN) is your unique identifier assigned through the National Association of Insurance Commissioner’s (NAIC’s) licensing application process. The NPN is used to track individuals and business entities on a national basis. An Agent or an Agency could have an NPN.

Why do you need my NPN?

We need your NPN, or the NPN of your agency, in order to provide the best service and for compliance purposes. Having an NPN on file helps us keep a clean record, validate your or your agency's licenses across the country, and streamline the compliance process.

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