How is Pathpoint different from traditional wholesale distribution?


Pathpoint currently offers Contractors, Lessor's Risk, Vacants, Restaurants, Monoline property and Manufacturing of cosmetics, candles and leather goods for the following lines of coverage: General Liability, Property, Package, Excess, and Cyber.

Speed is the primary difference between Pathpoint and a traditional wholesaler. We have automated the underwriting process, so that you can get bindable quotes in just a few minutes, 24/7.

When an application is referred and therefore required manual review, you’ll hear back from us within 4 business hours. All submissions and processing are handled through our platform, with the support of our Insurance Operations team.

Pathpoint does not require a minimum amount of policies in a given time period, nor do we charge a usage fee. 

There is no fee to use Pathpoint and we never charge subscription fees. When an agent uses Pathpoint to bind and issue a policy, we charge a flat $150 broker fee, regardless of the premium amount.