How do I know if a quote is ready to bind?


Appointed Pathpoint agents can request to bind once quotes are displayed in-app. Look for "Ready to Bind" alerts, select the best quote(s) for your client, complete subjectivities, and click Request to Bind. After submitting, track your binding progress in-app. Below are a few ways to indicate a quote is ready for binding:

Overview Page

  • Action Items: Look for alerts above your Submissions, Policies, and Renewal activity

  • Quoted Accounts: Select any quoted accounts with your activity page to start the binding process

Account Page

  • Progress Bar: Select coverage to start the binding process. After submitting a bind request, track your binding progress using the progress bar above

  • Side Panel: View alerts in the right-hand side panel. For Mix and Match quoting, easily switch between quotes and coverage by clicking the separate panels within one screen.

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What are subjectivities and how do I complete them?

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