How do I reset my password?
Visit and follow the on-screen instructions. If you continue to have trouble, reach out to Pathpoint to your Accou...
How can I add my NPN number to my account?
If you need to add or update your National Producer Number (NPN), please contact or connect with your Account Manager . Why can w...
How can other agents within my agency collaborate on the same submission/account?
What is Agency Collaboration? Key Features & Steps Full Demonstration FAQs Additional Resources Related Articles The Agency Collaboration feature will...
How do I log into my Pathpoint account?
You can log into your account by visiting . You must be registered to bind any accounts with Pathpoint. How do I rese...
How do I add or invite my team members to Pathpoint?
Agents can invite team members through the Pathpoint application with just a few clicks Click on your account email address to access the pull-down me...