What states is Pathpoint licensed in?


Pathpoint is licensed nationally in all 50 states and can accept, quote, bind, and issue business from any state. See our licensing page for more information.

By working with Pathpoint, you are not required to hold a surplus lines/Excess and Surplus (E&S) license. All that is required of you is that you and/or your agency hold a current Property & Casualty resident or non-resident license in the state you wish to conduct business in.

We handle compliance along with taxes and fees. Before binding with Pathpoint or any E&S wholesaler, agents are required to complete the following:

  • Diligent Effort: Try submitting to the admitted market first. Most states require three declines, but it depends on the state; some do not require any based-on class of business. Document your attempts.

  • Affidavit and Disclosures: Notify your insureds that the state guaranty fund does not protect E&S policies. Have your client sign an affidavit acknowledging that you and they are aware their account is being written in the surplus market.

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