Which endorsements are available with Pathpoint?


The following endorsements are available to add to your general liability, property, and package quotes:




Will add premium?

Additional Insured – Owners, Lessees or Contractors – Ongoing Operations (Blanket)


Additional insured status on a blanket basis for ongoing operations while work is being performed.


Additional Insured – Owners, Lessees or Contractors – Completed Operations


Additional insured status for completed operations (or finished work product) after the ongoing operations have ended.

Scheduled: $250 to $350

Blanket: $1,000 to $1,500

Primary and Noncontributory


Applicant’s insurance is Primary and Noncontributory to that of an additional insured.

$0 to $100

Waiver of Subrogation


Waiver of Subrogation for claims brought against additional insureds by the applicant’s insurance company.

$0 to $200

Contractors Inland Marine

Miscellaneous Tools and Equipment

Contractors Installation


Contractors' tools and equipment: Coverage for unscheduled tools that are valued up to $1,000. Coverage is provided on and off the premises.

Employee tools: Coverage for tools that the contractor’s employees may bring to a job site that are valued up to $1,000.

Contractors' installation: Coverage for goods (materials, supplies, equipment, machinery, fixtures, etc.) the contractor has sold, but not yet installed or delivered.

$100 to $400

Additional Insured – Manager of Premises

Lessor's Risk Only

Extends coverage to include manager of premises as an additional insured.


Additional Insured – Mortgagee

Lessor's Risk Only, Monoline Property, Restaurants

Extends coverage to include mortgagee as an additional insured.


Property Enhancement

Lessor's Risk Only, Monoline Property, Restaurants

Provides additional coverage for risks to property.

$150+ (some carriers price per location)

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