How does the bridging experience work from Bold Penguin to Pathpoint?


We offer a simple bridging experience from Bold Penguin to Pathpoint. You can follow these steps or watch the short video below.

  • In the Bold Penguin platform, click “Continue to Quote”.

  • You’ll be redirected to Pathpoint’s website.

  • Enter your work email to get started. Once you do, you’ll be sent a registration email.

  • Click the “Verify” button in the email from This will allow you to set your user information and complete registration.

  • Complete your submission by following the on-screen instructions.

  • Review your submission. Then, click “Markets”.

  • Select your desired markets. Then, click “Submit”.

  • The Account Summary section will show a full summary of available quotes.

  • Within a specific quote, scroll down to the Total cost section and click “Select option” to proceed to a bind request.

If I use Bold Penguin, how do I access Pathpoint?

When you're quoting a submission on Bold Penguin that does not have an available admitted carrier, if Pathpoint is in appetite, you will be able to view and select Pathpoint as a carrier in Bold Penguin. You'll then be automatically redirected to where you'll be prompted to complete your account registration. 

After this, you can either continue to use Bold Penguin as your point to start submissions, or if you can come to Pathpoint currently by going to and clicking on "Log In" to access your account and start a new submission.

If I log in to Pathpoint directly, will my Bold Penguin submissions be there?

Yes, any submissions you started in Bold Penguin but then bridged over to Pathpoint to complete will be located on your dashboard under "Submissions". Note that any submissions created in Bold Penguin where you did not choose Pathpoint as the carrier will not show up in your Pathpoint dashboard.

What happens in the transition from Bold Penguin to Pathpoint?

Any information you already entered into your application will be automatically carried over to Pathpoint. Once you're on Pathpoint's website, you will be asked any additional questions needed to provide you with a quote for your client. It is possible that the additional information collected may result in a carrier decline.

Do I need to be appointed with Pathpoint?

Although you don't need an appointment to quote; in order to request to bind a quote, your agency will need to complete the appointment process including the producer agreement.

Are all of Pathpoint's products available through Bold Penguin?

While we're working together to get all of Pathpoint's products to be shown in Bold Penguin, we've so far added Contractors GL, Lessor's Risk (GL only), and Vacant Buildings (GL only). We're planning to add package for Lessor's Risk (GL + Property), Restaurants (GL + Property), and expand Vacants coverage by adding package to the existing GL offering, and Vacant Land as well.

One thing to note is that although Bold Penguin might not have all of our offerings integrated currently into their experience, agents can access products such as monoline property, monoline excess for contractors, and cyber liability directly by logging into Pathpoint.

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